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Programs and Services

Stephen’s House is BISNF’s daily activity program that provides respite care services. Mondays, Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Fridays, Stephen’s House offers a wide range of different activities that are scheduled in our monthly calendar. The members arrive around 8:30 - 9:00 am and leave the program around 3:00 pm.


There are certain activities that are always scheduled on the same day such as CrossFit, swimming, cooking  Yoga and arts and crafts to create structure and routine in our program. You can find more information about our schedule for respite services under the Monthly Activity Calendar tab above or on our Facebook Page Stephen’s House. 


Rate for a Full Day: $75/day per person (more than 3 hours)

Rate for Half Day: $40/day per person (less than 3 hours)​


Additional costs for activity fees are paid by the member/the payee/legal guardian or the families.


Stephen’s House can be paid for privately or with DSHS/DDA Community Respite Waivers in Kitsap County


For more information about our daily activity program Stephen’s House, please contact our Executive Director.

Stephen's House Daily Activity Program/Respite Care

Community Engagement

Starting October 1st of 2022, Thursdays are only open to members in our community who are in need of community engagement and currently have a waiver that allows them to receive such service from DDA/DSHS.


Community engagement is described as followed by the DDA/DSHS:


Community Engagement services are one-on-one services designed to increase a client’s connection to and engagement in formal and informal community networks and supports. Services are designed to develop creative, flexible, and supportive community resources and support for people with developmental disabilities that result in positive relationships, valued community roles, and involvement in preferred community activities, organizations, groups, or projects. Clients are introduced to community members, organizations, resources, and supports that are available in their immediate and surrounding areas and are supported to develop skills, meaningful roles, and positive relationships that will facilitate inclusion into their community.


Examples of Community Engagement activities:

  • Attending art classes in the community

  • Support in learning how to ride public transportation and/or Kitsap Access

  • Support and guidance in grocery shopping

  • Volunteering at local organizations


One on One Rate: $34.72/hour per person


Community Engagement sessions can only be paid for through DSHS/DDA Community Engagement Waivers.


For more information about community engagement, please contact our Executive Director.


7968 Finch Rd NE, Bainbridge Island, WA 98110

206- 780-1211


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Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday & Friday 8:30am-3pm

Thursdays 9:00 - 5:00pm

website by Butterforge Designs

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